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Do you have a career in mind? Something you're interested in learning more about? Browse our exciting programs, including degrees and certificates, 查找具体的课程,看看西北远景学院如何帮助塑造你的未来!
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Focus on Your Future

NVC于1995年秋季开始提供课程,作为澳门新葡京博彩区最新增加的课程之一. As of 2024, there are over 19,000 students taking courses at NVC. 大多数课程提供的是两年制副学士学位或一年的证书选择, and a Bachelor of Applied Technology in Cloud Computing!

签证中心的新闻 & Announcements


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    NVC Named as a Finalist for Prestigious 2025 Aspen Prize

    Click Here for More...
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    NVC Recognized for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense

    NVC Recognized for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
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    Free Childcare at Vista

    Free Childcare at Vista
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    NVC Distinguished Graduate Mark Sanchez

    NVC Distinguished Graduate Mark Sanchez
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    NVC Students Compete in National Competition

    西北维斯塔大学的学生参加了全国网络联盟(NCL) 2024年春季比赛, 通过解决几个类别的挑战来帮助学生发展他们的技能...
    NVC Students Compete in National Competition
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    2024 YMCA Summer Day Camps at NVC - Register Now!

    Northwest Vista 大学 students, 教师, 和员工有一个独特的机会,让他们的孩子在维斯塔报名参加基督教青年会夏令营. Learn more!
    2024 YMCA Summer Day Camps at NVC - Register Now!
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    NVC Announces Plans for First Baccalaureate Degree

    西北维斯塔学院(Northwest Vista 大学)正在开设首个学士学位课程, the Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT) in Cloud Computing, starting in Fall 2024.
    NVC Announces Plans for First Baccalaureate Degree
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    Summer Momentum - Earn Free Summer Classes!

    澳门新葡京博彩的学生可以利用我们的暑期动力计划, 通过允许学生在夏季参加免费课程来节省他们的时间和金钱!
    Learn More About Summer Momentum!
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    NVC Student Advocacy & Resource Center Serves Several Thousand Students

    The Student Advocacy & 资源中心已经搬迁到山核桃馆一楼,最近扩大了服务范围,帮助了数千名学生.... (更多)
    NVC Student Advocacy & Resource Center Serves Several Thousand Students
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    签证中心:不. 3 on Best Texas Community 大学 List

    Northwest Vista 大学 has been named no. 3 on Intelligent.com's Best Community 大学s in Texas 2024, 提供多样化的课程和即将推出的云计算新学士学位.
    Click Here for More...

Spotlight Events

Upcoming Events

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    Mexican American Studies Special Exhibit: On Display Sept. 16 - 10月. 31, 2024

    Monday, September 16
    Life and Death on the Border 1910-1920, 最初由布洛克德克萨斯州历史博物馆和非营利组织“拒绝忘记”制作, contains photographs, court documents, 信, and special collection artifacts.
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    The Life and Legacy of Dr. 赫克托耳P. 加西亚

    Tuesday, October 1
    Learn about Dr. 加西亚的成就和与塞西莉亚加西亚-阿克斯的家庭故事在曼萨尼约大厅(MZH)创新中心(203室)-纪念拉扎遗产,由NVC墨西哥裔美国人研究赞助.
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    Tejano Trailblazers: Jovita Idar and Jose Tomas Canales

    Thursday, October 3
    一个关于一个特哈诺人和一个冒着生命危险要求公平的特哈纳人的演讲, Redbud学习中心(RLC) 118室的公平待遇-纪念拉扎遗产,由NVC墨西哥裔美国人研究所赞助.
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    Unmasking the Texas Ranger Mythos

    Wednesday, October 9
    加入我们在曼萨尼约大厅(MZH)创新中心纪念拉扎遗产和由NVC墨西哥裔美国人研究赞助的Kirby Warnock的边境土匪的纪录片放映.
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    Thursday, October 10
    A discussion with Dr. 艾伦·里奥哈斯·克拉克(Ellen Riojas Clark)在曼萨尼约厅(MZH)创新中心与凯西·索萨(Kathy Sosa)和詹妮弗·斯皮德(Jennifer Speed)合编了一本由NVC墨西哥裔美国人研究中心赞助的纪念拉扎遗产的书.
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    Thanksgiving Weekend!

    Thursday, November 28
    Thanksgiving Weekend will begin on November 2th and end on Dec. 1st. 由于感恩节假期,校园将在此期间Close.